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Activity #3

Learn a Family Recipe

What To Do

Cook a family recipe.



How To Do It

Step 1:
Pick a favorite family recipe you want to cook.
(If you don’t know of any existing family recipes then learn how to make your favorite meal growing up or a dish you want to incorporate with your current family cuisine.)
Step 2:
Ask the relative who normally cooks it to teach you how to make it.
If this isn't possible then try cooking it with another family member.
Step 3:
Take a picture of the recipe you chose along with the final product you made. If it’s a tricky recipe then you may want to take pictures of the cooking process as well to document how to make it in the future.
Step 4:
Eat and enjoy!

How is this Family History?


Food can bring the family together.  The process of preparing, eating, and cleaning up from a meal allows for conversations, connections, and a chance to be together. Eating together is an important part of creating a strong and healthy family.
By learning a family recipe you are also carrying on a tradition. You’re learning from the past, continuing the act in the present, and creating the ability to pass your knowledge onto the future.

 Make food.

Make History.


Share your food creations and recipes @makefamilyhistory
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