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Family History for the Next Generation

"By taking old film slides, photographs, and a tree rubbing I designed a mixed-media portrait of my family tree."


- Krisi Church Summers provides new and engaging ways for the next generation to participate in family history.


Connect with your family history by doing what you already love to do.










Activity #16

Send A Letter To Your Future Self



"Greatest Generation"

"Greatest Generation"

Check out how artist Jeffery R. Pugh used his passion for painting to capture his grandmother's incredible work ethic.

"Father" by Krisi Summers

"Father" by Krisi Summers

This is a mixed media portrait I made of my dad. He loves playing the guitar and fossil hunting so I used fossils and photos from when he was a teenager to make this collage of him..

Digital Portrait by Adam Zollinger

Digital Portrait by Adam Zollinger

This is a portrait I drew of my youngest daughter. It is a digital watercolor I made in Photoshop.

"Grandpa's War Medals" by J.B. Wall

"Grandpa's War Medals" by J.B. Wall

In the bottom of an old box I found my Grandpa's war medals. I cleaned them up and framed them with his picture for my family to remember his service.

Painting by Sam Kelly

Painting by Sam Kelly

Check out Sam's painting in the Gallery to see how she used her love of art to make family history.

Song & Home Movie by Travis Pitcher

Song & Home Movie by Travis Pitcher

"Becky in the Morning." Nothing better than breakfast with my wife in the morning, especially when it is homemade pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream. I had to write a short song about it all.

"Farm House View" by Babetta Kelly

"Farm House View" by Babetta Kelly

This is a photograph at my parents house in Fairview, Utah. As a family we love to go there and be together.

2D picture by Ryan Haldeman

2D picture by Ryan Haldeman

Check out Ryan's video to see how he makes his family photos come to life.

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