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Activity #25

StoryCorps App


What To Do
Interview a family member using the free StoryCorps app


How To Do It

Go to to download the free app. Choose a relative or close friend you want to interview. Pick from the list of questions provided in the app or think of your own questions and stories you want to record. Find a quiet place to conduct your interview. Listen carefully as you record your story and be curious. Once your interview is done you have the option of uploading it into the Library of Congress, sharing it with others, or just saving it for your own family.


How Is This Family History?

Recording first person stories is one of the best ways to document history. With this free app kids of all ages can participate in making history just by using their phones.


Additional Resources

To watch more animated interviews check out the StoryCorps Youtube Channel

To learn more about StoryCorps check out their TedTalk

Here are some interview tips and trick provided by StoryCorps:








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