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Activity #11

Make A Documentary About

A Family Tradition

What To Do

Film a family tradition


How To Do It


Step 1. Pick a family tradition
It can be a big tradition like decorating the Christmas tree or family vacation or it can be a small tradition like a Sunday dinner or your favorite place to go out to eat.
Step 2. Film the process
Use your video camera, phone, ipad or another recording device. Don't just film the actual event; film the set up, take down, and everything that happens in between. For example, if your family makes Christmas cookies every year film them making the cookies, decorating the cookies, and eating the cookies. This way you capture the little but important moments that happen along the way.
Step 3. Show the film
Sit down with your family and enjoy the film. Burn it to a DVD or upload it to a private site to make sure it is saved.


How is this family history?


Traditions are an extremely important part of a family. By recording your family tradition you are showing interest and support in your family and their traditions. You are preserving an important aspect of your family history and the film will provide fun and interesting insights to you as you get older.

 Make traditions.

Make history.



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